Monday, November 17, 2008

Marketing On A Budget ie. none

We had a wonderful week of publicity.
Above is a photo of the advertising we had in "The Canberra Times" (which was free of charge) and a pleasant surprise upon opening the local paper. Published were all the photo's we sent and the "Old Bus Depot Markets" also personally congratulated us on the addition to its pages.
This topped off the week which started with a radio interview with George on National Broadcaster SBS-Radio. A Pod-cast of this segment will be linked at right but it is in Romanian language being part of their Romanian Program.
Another exciting addition was the ABC TV website "Artpost", which is a vibrant site allowing artists to expose their work to the world. Again, will post the link to the right as it has shown enormous interest and popularity with people surfing the web for new art and artists. The number of views is amazing, thankyou.

"Hello Friends" - Bryan & Laura Davies, UK

It was with great pleasure to make contact with two artist's in Leeds UK, who also share a great passion for Constantin Brancusi.

Bryan & Laura Davies have a wonderful public art-work in Bridgewater Place Leeds.

"Hello Friends" is a bright and modern piece with Brancusi being a vital reference for the commissioned work. We will place a link to their blogspot on our page as it is indeed exciting work that these people are doing. Please explore their blogs and pages, their vision is exceptional in the world of arts and architecture in general.
Must also thank Bryan for all his travel tips and information regarding Brancusi's Studio in France and other art-loving recommendations....thanks Bryan, will send you a postcard!

Monday, November 3, 2008

First Market

"Old Bus Depot Markets" was an ideal location to show our wares and other artists were extremely supportive and welcoming. Within the first ten minutes a fellow stall-holder told us we were a welcome addition in that we had something different to offer. Another stall-holder purchased one of George's vase's. It was all very positive. Surprisingly, it was the larger items of sculpture that a number of people were very interested in. Were they "one off's?", Can you make infinity with a square base? Can this be converted into a water-feature for the garden?
Interested people who recognised that we had something that wasnt available anywhere else and that they would have something unique.

A successful day!! everything looked beautiful and the response was amazing, thankyou Canberra!


"The Gehry", a surprising shape that bends in an unexpected way. Changes shape when you rotate the vase and the sunlight is stunning on its polishing. With the finished product completed , we thought it curved like a Gehry facade.

Frank Gehry's Walt Disney Music Hall in Los Angeles. With the Stainless Steel addiction comes other dangerous habits. The need to see this metal in unconventional forms and pushed to the boundaries of the imagination. Franks process of sketching, folding and cutting paper to experiment with shapes is something that George also does before creating his work. I get to use the sticky tape.